Sunday, January 13, 2013

17 Years...

I was intimiated by my impationts, Moving on allegro, quick, speed, but then forgotten the happiness I was trying to find. Disinclined in memories I create that I may regret, scar for life. Forget the needs, But approve in wants. Afraid to feel the guilt but still perform on following the path of deplore, I may feel... I feel like everything that i've overcome major, was the darkness that impact in my life to learn from my mistakes. Sometimes I can still feel the anguish rushing through my mind down my spine, even if it was an old music that i've heard, thing, place, date, or time.... I kindly try to disregard the depression but by telling myself everything in the pass had a meaning to what the future will reveal after all those times I have gone through, To make it to now. I've granted everyones wish, obeyed everyones authorities. Felt the pain on my knees as I am not religious, But still hoping god will give me a chance to open up while I put my hands together, and preach my speech letting him know from all the way down here to let my happiness count for a very long time. I may have gone through confusion, rain falls from my eyes, I felt like I needed to surrender, But all of this wasn't to prove that I had to stop what I was living for. I am indepedent, and Understandable in my own ways. I will never give up on my hopes to proceed better days, To feel happier each day of my life. It's because of my choices that makes me become a better person/ or worse. It's me who will give my own life, It's me who'll reach out for a happy ever after.

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