Sunday, January 20, 2013

Is it wrong for a man to speak out his heart? Is it wrong for a man, wanting the same impresson, or feeling? No. Infact it's never wrong for a man to even shed one single tear. Don't ever recollect the dreadful thoughts and spread it through your own emotion just because one thing went damaged, or wrong doesn't mean it's okay to let everything be cursed by you. You have an amazing heart. A life that is still operating well to actually move futhur. There's still some things here and there you want to convert, But what you're going through now is already ambitious to live for. Don't let others take control over your time, your choice of thoughts because of there row. You have to much to live for, and letting your tears fall down like rain is a part of it. Always know why you are still here. Understand why you give someone Inspiration, and making friends, relative happy. You make a huge impact in somebodys life, that they thought no one can. You made someone believe in passion, love, forever and always. Life, in your own times, there will always be parts that you can never manage, but considering, believing in yourself that there will always be better days to slide in to, to alter a new visual in your life about yourself or the world you're living in to make it a better place for you to see. It's always about approaching into better days. Moving forward, experiencing new opportunitys. Everyone is not complete, by means, everyone is not perfect. But... What you do makes yourself perfect. When someone like me say I love you........ I really do.  You thought it was really time for you to go back and restart a whole new chapter again, But until I said one simple word to you, You stopped. You took a chance even though maybe it wasn't going to work out. I want to be your inspiration throughout your life, Prove everything to you, why life is important, why I am here that is important. I am here to maybe not change everything in your life like you granted, I may not have a lot of money, or am the best looking women, But I have a heart that beats for you, and welling to sacrifice anything for you.

To forever be here to love you.

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